I love these little birds and have a watercolour painting in my bedroom, which I bought from a lovely talented artist at the Weald Country Fair a couple of years ago. I really wanted to attract some to the garden, so did some research on what food they liked etc. I was so excited when I saw the first pair and although they are not here very often and are super speedy, it is still a joy to see them. A lot of people say the move in flocks and we do sometimes see 3 or 4, but mainly we just seem to have a pair that visit. The pictures below were taken when the snow was on the ground earlier this month resulting in a lovely reflected light to the images.
We have a pair of siskins who visit regularly now. This is the male and it was lovely to see him in all his bright colours today. Until I saw the second image I hadn't noticed the beautiful markings on its underside.
Delighted to have a few of these visiting us now. When googling to learn a bit more about them, it said that when a goldfinch visits you, they symbolise the importance of optimism and the value of happiness, joy and simplicity in your life. We can all do with a bit of that at the moment :)
Excited to have some long tailed tits arrive in the garden. They were only a few of them and they weren't here for long, but it made my day :)
January 2022