Coming in to land and not wanting to drop lunch ! I love these backlit wing shots, just need to get whole image sharper ! #2022goal #justsofast !
I'm a grandma !
This is our beautiful granddaughter, Hadley who is now one week old and I am totally in love :) Adore these little Sanderling wading birds and have wanted to get these images for a while, so a good start to my New Year and one resolution started already :)
Dusty works finished, so finally unpacking everything and able to get my camera out again; its been ages !
We have been having some building work done on our house and as there is so much dust everything is packed away to keep it safe and dust free. I was asked to do a head and shoulder portrait yesterday and of course once I got my camera out again I didn't want to put it away ..... here are a couple of my sweet peas that survived the rain and thunderstorms today
Really love this set of three images, from the beautiful wings in the first image, the cuteness of the second and the "downward dog" yoga pose in the last image :)
I love these little birds and have a watercolour painting in my bedroom, which I bought from a lovely talented artist at the Weald Country Fair a couple of years ago. I really wanted to attract some to the garden, so did some research on what food they liked etc. I was so excited when I saw the first pair and although they are not here very often and are super speedy, it is still a joy to see them. A lot of people say the move in flocks and we do sometimes see 3 or 4, but mainly we just seem to have a pair that visit. The pictures below were taken when the snow was on the ground earlier this month resulting in a lovely reflected light to the images.
January 2022